design. creating. the inspiration of life into the designs that are created to love....*amanda cahill

Pittsburg State University | Graphics & Imaging Technologies Students

Monday, November 1, 2010

News Paper AD

The process of making the newspaper ad was harder than I thought it was going to be. I thought that thinking of an idea would be easy and coming up with a variety of thumbnails would be easy but not so much. I had the "Date Night" idea and it turned out really well but coming up with different ways to design the ad just kept turning out the same without variety. I was hoping to think of more ideas but then when i got to the computer more ideas just started coming out and the final piece turned out very creative.  I felt that the newspaper ad really helped with designing in a black and white or a gray scale scheme for a newspaper to get the experience of designing in black and white. I was trying to hit the target audience male to get the attention of males in the idea of taking there girlfriends  out  around Valentines day and to have a fun night out without breaking there wallets. The target audience was towards the college male students and the male faculty members that would want to take there girlfriend or wives out for a romantic evening under the stars. I was going for a simple look because men like simple and to the point. The words bolder and simple fonts are more eye catching to the male eye than loud crazy fonts that distract you from the actual content the audience is drawn to.

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